Pain Rescue Warm is back!
2 fl. oz. (60 mL) glass and unbreakable bottles
and 16 fl. oz. 473 mL
“I just love the Pain Rescue. I used it for my sore muscles every night before I go to bed and it completely takes away the pain and helps me go to sleep. Without Pain Rescue, I don't think I would be able to sleep at night. I don’t know what she puts in it, but whatever it is, it works great! I’ve never used anything this good before. She really knows what she is doing. I recommend this product to all of my friends.” - Betty, CA |
"As a golfer, my lower back gives me a fit sometimes. PAIN RESCUE WARM is what I reach for EVERY time! The roll-on container is perfect - Just rub it along your back and massage in! I tried Icy Hot and Bengay. Hated having my hands feel like ice and then on fire and the smell!! PAIN RESCUE WARM - try it, you will be glad that you did!!" |
Product Information
Product Information
This is a beautiful formula to make your days seem just as beautiful.
Massage Pain Rescue into your sore, aching muscles and joints. Best to apply before bed and upon waking. Your day will feel smoother when you can move more freely!
"A few years ago, I was having a great deal of pain in my feet! It would come and go at first, but when it became a daily condition, I went to the doctor! He said "It is plantar fasciitis." Here is what you your feet 3 times a day, use a towel to stretch it in the morning and at night. Hopefully this will take care of it. Seriously, 3 times a day - how do you work and ice 3 times a day?! I spoke to Linda - she recommended PAIN RESCUE WARM. I used it religiously for 3 weeks, 2x per day - 6 months of pain became a distant memory after just 3 short weeks!" |